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Vi porto nel cuore

Il primo novembre 1928 inizia l’espansione delle Figlie di san Paolo con l’apertura della prima casa filiale in Italia e poi dal 1932 anche all’estero. Maestra Tecla accompagna di persona questi inizi, portandosi sul luogo e vivendo con le sorelle le prime difficoltà. Nasce l’esigenza di comunicare alle sorelle lo spirito della vocazione che si […]

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I am praying for everyone

Thanking the Daughters of St. Paul for their best wishes for his 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood (1957), he said: I am praying for everyone. I know that [the FSPs] everywhere are following Prima Maestra and this is everything. In fact, it is your way to holiness and the apostolate. And then? We […]

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The government must continue…

On the occasion of the Chapter held immediately after Prima Maestra’s death to elect a new Superior General, Fr. Alberione said: The government must continue, applying itself always more to particularities, because Prima Maestra had special faculties, besides having a much broader view of everything. Now we have reached the point of normal government. Hers […]

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