Messages & requests for graces

to venerable Tecla Merlo

Prayer To Request Graces

Most Holy Trinity, thank you
for the gifts of light, grace and virtue
granted to Venerable Sr. Thecla Merlo,
and for having chosen and made her
the wise mother and reliable guide
of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Through her intercession, grant
that I may live of her great loves:
Jesus Master, the Eucharist, the Church,
and the Gospel proclaimed to all people
with the instruments of social communication,
to the point of complete sacrifice.

Lord, if it is your divine will,
exalt this faithful Servant to the joy
of the Church and the good of humanity,
and grant me, through her intercession,
the favor I ask of you.


Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory to the Father

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Thanksgiving for the gift of my niece

My married sister and her husband had been asking the Lord for the gift of a child for 5 years. Unfortunately, the doctor told my sister it was impossible because she suffered an abnormality in her womb. Regardless of what the doctor said, I advised them to pray and to ask Sr. Thecla’s intercession to grant them this special grace to have a child. Miraculously after a few months, my sister discovered that she was pregnant. After a few years, the child that was the fruitfulness of their prayer, is now 22 years old. This happened when i was still undergoing my novitiate formation. Now as we celebrate Sr. Thecla’s 50th anniversary, my heart rejoices and I ask God so that Sr. Thecla will be recognized as a holy person by the church and may she be beatified soon. Sr. Alice Candido

Sr. Alice Candido

Tanti Auguri, Maestra Tecla!!!

Tanti Auguri Maestra Tecla; oggi 20 febbraio, prega per noi.

Luis Ángel Piñeyro Bottinelli

50 anni di tua resurrezione, il Signore incoronata Santa sulla terra; come in cielo

Le doy gracias al Señor por haber salvado la vida de mi hijo, por medio de la santa interseción de “Maestra Tecla”; desde entonces, todos los días rezo con devoción la oración con la esperanza y convicción que un día no muy lejano, el Santo Padre le otorgue la corona que sin lugar a dudas, ya “la Primera Maestra” posee. Dios te bendiga, Maestra, Madre y Amiga espiritual!!! Dios Bendiga también a Toda la Gran Familia Paulina!!! Luis Ángel Piñeyro Bottinelli.

Luis Ángel Piñeyro Bottinelli

Grazie, Signore per Maestra Tecla!

Ti ringrazio, Signore per aver salvato la vida del mio figlio grazie alla intercessione di la mia amica spirituale: Sor Tecla Merlo. Ti chiedo di continuare a intercedere per noi con Gesù, nostro Signore

Susana Meneses

Desidero chiede una grazia a te Tecla

perchè tutti gli ostacoli che si frappongono fra la chiamata del Signore e me svaniscano ed io possa seguire la strada che il Padre a tracciato per me! Sono certa che mi aiuterai perchè adesso hai la facoltà di nei cuori di noi esseri umani. Con affetto fraterno Rossella


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