Thanksgiving for the gift of my niece

My married sister and her husband had been asking the Lord for the gift of a child for 5 years. Unfortunately, the doctor told my sister it was impossible because she suffered an abnormality in her womb. Regardless of what the doctor said, I advised them to pray and to ask Sr. Thecla’s intercession to grant them this special grace to have a child. Miraculously after a few months, my sister discovered that she was pregnant. After a few years, the child that was the fruitfulness of their prayer, is now 22 years old. This happened when i was still undergoing my novitiate formation. Now as we celebrate Sr. Thecla’s 50th anniversary, my heart rejoices and I ask God so that Sr. Thecla will be recognized as a holy person by the church and may she be beatified soon. Sr. Alice Candido

Sr. Alice Candido

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