request to the postulator

You Reverence Peace be with you! I am Emmanuel Aldrin A. Ferrer of the Ministry of Liturgical affairs requesting your benevolent office to kindly send a piece of relic Ven. thecla she is a model servant of God who offered her life for the sake of Jesus. We are introducing her devotion to our lay people she will serve as our reminder to always love God before anything else her presence through hier relic will strengthen our desire to provide spiritual and pastoral care for those who are in need. Please be reassured that the relic will be provided with the utmost care and reverence stipulated according to the decrees of Canon Law of Holy Mother, the Church. Send us also prayer card to help in spreading his devotion (english) Your kind response to our request +Emmanuel Aldrin A. Ferrer #32 12 st. New Manila 1112 Quezon City, Philippines

Emmanuel Ferrer

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