Messages & requests for graces

to venerable Tecla Merlo

Prayer To Request Graces

Most Holy Trinity, thank you
for the gifts of light, grace and virtue
granted to Venerable Sr. Thecla Merlo,
and for having chosen and made her
the wise mother and reliable guide
of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Through her intercession, grant
that I may live of her great loves:
Jesus Master, the Eucharist, the Church,
and the Gospel proclaimed to all people
with the instruments of social communication,
to the point of complete sacrifice.

Lord, if it is your divine will,
exalt this faithful Servant to the joy
of the Church and the good of humanity,
and grant me, through her intercession,
the favor I ask of you.


Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory to the Father

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Grazie e Pace! Vi os vídeos sobre o Centenário com nossa história, a partir de Tecla Merlo. Gostaria de publicá-lo no Face/grupo Família Paulina e nos blogs (Tecla Merlo, Carisma Paulino, Casa de Oração). Gostaria de ter autorização para fazê-lo. Obrigada.

Patricia Silva, fsp


se vuoi puoi intercedere per la mia vista – altrimenti fiat


Greetings from Poland!

Hello! I’m David and I’m polish seminarist. I write this e-mail becouse I looking for holy relic of Thecla Merlo. And some informations? Can I recive? I’m asking you becouse i looking for the best patrons of my way to the priesthood 😉 If you can, please help me. For open hart for me and all good – THANKS! And the most important thing: please, Can you pray for my priestly vocation? In Christo, sem. Dawid Tyborski POLAND my address: kl. Dawid Tyborski ul. Słoneczna 21a 83-240 Lubichowo POLSKA POLAND

Dawid Tyborski

Religiosa Paulina en La Paz-Bolivia

Que continuemos sembrando el bien y sobre todo haciendo conocer la Palabra de Dios a todos.

María Paz Hoyos

Preghiera per Eva

Una preghiera per la nostra piccola Eva che tra poco avrà la sua importantissima risonanza…..perchè possa guarire….. La sua nonna


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