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Tecla Merlo, a mother forever

It all started for me, one Sunday at the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. I was only 11 years old at that time. I announced to my parents my choice to become a Sister. My father immediately forbade me to talk about it in the family because, even though we were a good Christian […]

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You Owe Prima Maestra Everything

On 15 Sept. 1960, in preparation for the feast of St. Thecla, Fr. Alberione confided to the Daughters of St. Paul: “You owe Prima Maestra everything, and I too owe her a lot because she has enlightened and directed me in happy and sad circumstances, and has consoled me in the difficulties that have been […]

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I thank God that I knew her

Venerable Thecla Merlo’s life was an example of a missionary of the Gospel and of one familiar with the supernatural. She exemplified joyful love for God. When speaking of her, it is as if one intones the “Magnificat”, giving thanks to God for the marvels accomplished in his servant. And I thank God that I […]

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