Maestra Thecla

I never had the privilege of knowing Maestra Thecla personally, but I’ve come to appreciate and love her through the testimonies of many sisters...


…we can say we have seen a saint

I met Prima Maestra Thecla in 1955, when she came to Brazil together with Primo Maestro. I was an aspirant at the time, so...


Tecla Merlo, a mother forever

It all started for me, one Sunday at the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. I was only 11 years old at that time....


“Reading” Thecla Merlo Today

“Reading” Thecla Merlo Today I want to tell you about my first “meeting” with Thecla Merlo. As a child I was always in love...



Madagascar | Grazie sr Telca. Prega per noi! Chiedo una grazia per la nostra delegazione, e le nostre famiglie. Lalatiana

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100 years of the Daughters of St. Paul

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