Mensajes y peticiones de gracia

a la Venerable Tecla Merlo

Oración para la petición de gracias

Santísima Trinidad te agradezco
por los dones singulares de luz,
de gracia y de virtud concedidas
a la Venerable sor Tecla Merlo,
y por haberla elegido y constituida
madre sapiente y guía segura
de las Hijas de San Pablo.

Por su intercesión, concédeme
vivir de sus grandes amores:
Jesús Maestro, Eucaristía, la Iglesia,
el Evangelio anunciado a todos los pueblos
con los instrumentos de la comunicación social,
hasta el completo sacrificio.

Oh Señor, si está en los designios
de tu divina sabiduría, exalta a esta Sierva fiel,
para alegría de la Iglesia, para el bien
de la humanidad y concédeme,
por su intercesión, cuanto te pido…


Padre nuestro - Ave Maria - Gloria al Padre.

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for the gift of a child

I would like to thank Mother Thecla for the gift of my son Shaun. We had been praying for a long time for a child. When my sis-in-law (sr Michelle fsp) came home, she had given me the prayer to Mother Thecla and requested me to pray it everyday for the gift of a child. I am grateful to her and the intercession st Lawrence for the gift of my son.

Mrs Flavia Mathias

for the gift of a child

I would like to thank Mother Thecla for the gift of my son Shaun. We had been praying for a long time for a child. When my sis-in-law (sr Michelle fsp) came home, she had given me the prayer to Mother Thecla and requested me to pray it everyday for the gift of a child. I am grateful to her and the intercession st Lawrence for the gift of my son.

Mrs Flavia Mathias


Prima Maestra carissima, ottieni dal Signore, la gioia di essere evangelizzatrici coraggiose, efficaci, gioiose, cristificate.


Maestra Tecla, una mamma

Grazie Maestra Tecla!Sei una mamma per tutte noi! Ti ringrazio, per la tua presenza in mezzo a noi nel nostro encontro di Delegazione. È stato un bel encontro tra noi, e con te. Sono sicura che sei stata con la tua protezione, e intercessione. Ti chiedo, donaci sempre la forza per continuare la missione che Lui ci affida, e sopprattuto di potere arrivare alla santita.

Sara Gilvaz (Ju)

for the gift of a child

I would like to thank Mother Thecla for the gift of my son Shaun. We had been praying for a long time for a child. When my sis-in-law (sr Michelle fsp) came home, she had given me the prayer to Mother Thecla and requested me to pray it everyday for the gift of a child. I am grateful to her and the intercession st Lawrence for the gift of my son.

Mrs Flavia Mathias

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