Mensajes y peticiones de gracia

a la Venerable Tecla Merlo

Oración para la petición de gracias

Santísima Trinidad te agradezco
por los dones singulares de luz,
de gracia y de virtud concedidas
a la Venerable sor Tecla Merlo,
y por haberla elegido y constituida
madre sapiente y guía segura
de las Hijas de San Pablo.

Por su intercesión, concédeme
vivir de sus grandes amores:
Jesús Maestro, Eucaristía, la Iglesia,
el Evangelio anunciado a todos los pueblos
con los instrumentos de la comunicación social,
hasta el completo sacrificio.

Oh Señor, si está en los designios
de tu divina sabiduría, exalta a esta Sierva fiel,
para alegría de la Iglesia, para el bien
de la humanidad y concédeme,
por su intercesión, cuanto te pido…


Padre nuestro - Ave Maria - Gloria al Padre.

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Be our guide in our spiritual journey

To you, our dear mother and «Maestra» we entrust our sisters in the Philippines who are making their annual retreat these days. Intercede for them so that they will be docile to the workings of the Spirit. Guide and assist Sr. Bernarda C., that even with her frail health she may be effective in bringing us all to the Father.



Ti ringrazio Signore per i doni concessi a Maestra Tecla e per lei anche alla mia famiglia. grazie per aver evitato l’operazione pericolosa dell’aneurisma alla carotide alla mia sorella Pina e averla aiutata in tutti questi anni che sono seguiti. Angela

Piccinato Angela

thanksgiving for the gift of my niece

My married sister and her husband had been asking the Lord for the gift of a child for 5 years. Unfortunately, the doctor told my sister it was impossible because she suffered an abnormality in her womb. Regardless of what the doctor said, I advised them to pray and to ask Sr. Thecla’s intercession to grant them this special grace to have a child. Miraculously after a few months, my sister discovered that she was pregnant. After a few years, the child that was the fruitfulness of their prayer, is now 22 years old. This happened when i was still undergoing my novitiate formation. Now as we celebrate Sr. Thecla’s 50th anniversary, my heart rejoices and I ask God so that Sr. Thecla will be recognized as a holy person by the church and may she be beatified soon.

Sr. Alice Candido

Grazie Maestra Tecla

Grazie Maestra Tecla, perché stai sempre accanto a me, perché non mi abbandoni mai…sei sempre fiera di me, per questo ti ringrazio tanto cara mamma. É proprio quello che sento, sei per me una mamma che ha cura della sua figlia. Ti chiedo resta sempre accanto a me, con la tua protezione, quella che tu sai che ho bisogno, cosí come a tutte le persone che tu sai che hanno maggiore bisogno delle tue intercessioni. Grazie, cara mamma ti voglio tanto bene.

Sara Gilvaz

con fiducia

Maestra Tecla ti chiedo quella grazia spirituale che tu conosci per Gabriele. Grazie Giovanna

Maria Giovanna

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