Messages et demandes de grâces

à la vénérable Tecla Merlo

Prière pour demander des grâces

Ô Très Sainte Trinité, je te rends graces
pour les dons remarquables de lumière,
de grâce et de force que tu as accordés
à la Vénérable sr Tecla Merlo, et pour
l’avoir élue et avoir fait d’elle une mère sage
et un guide sûr des Filles de Saint-Paul.

Par son intercession, accorde-moi
d’aimer tout ce qu’elle a aimé
jusqu’au sacrifice le plus complet :
Jésus Maître, l’Eucharistie, l’Église,
l’Évangile annoncé à tous les peuples
par les instruments de la communication sociale.

Ô Seigneur, si tel est le dessein
de ta divine sagesse, exalte cette Servante fidèle,
pour la joie de ton Église et
pour le bien de l’humanité.
Accordemoi ce que je te demande
par son intercession…


Notre Père – Je vous salue, Marie – Gloire au Père.

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ask relic

To Postulator of Venerable Tecla God bless us I want to introduce my self, my name is Bambang Hariono Tanuwijaya, From Lamongan, Indonesia. Shall I tell my intention? my intention is ask second relic or thirtd relic of V. Tecla for : * To know personality of V. Tecla. * To devotion ; to increase love to God with intercession by V. Tecla. I hope you will agree with my intention, only God can respond your kind, thank you…. My address: Jl. Sunan Drajad 88-90, Lamongan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Postal Code : 62211 My phone : 089674650906…..

Bambang Hariono

ask relic

To Postulator of Venerable Tecla God bless us I want to introduce my self, my name is Bambang Hariono Tanuwijaya, From Lamongan, Indonesia. Shall I tell my intention? my intention is ask second relic or thirtd relic of V. Tecla for : * To know personality of V. Tecla. * To devotion ; to increase love to God with intercession by V. Tecla. I hope you will agree with my intention, only God can respond your kind, thank you…. My address: Jl. Sunan Drajad 88-90, Lamongan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Postal Code : 62211 My phone : 089674650906…..

Bambang Hariono

preghiera di ricchiesta di grazie

La comuità delle Figlie di san Paolo di Kinshasa-RD Congo chiede preghiere per una donna Elisabeth TELO cha ha un cancro del seno e Un’altra KOKO che desidera un bambino. Queste domande vengono dell’impegno a fare conoscere Maestra Tecla nelle parrocchie. Grazie di essere unite a noi

Babeki M. Justine

Annunziatina Missionaria in Cameroun

Ho conosciuto Madre Tecla Merlo, bastava guardarla per intravedere il paradiso. Anima bella , semplice , umile . La bontà in persona.La prego affinhé mi aiuti a vedere bene dentro di me.

Maria Negretto

Thanksgiving for the gift of my niece

My married sister and her husband had been asking the Lord for the gift of a child for 5 years. Unfortunately, the doctor told my sister it was impossible because she suffered an abnormality in her womb. Regardless of what the doctor said, I advised them to pray and to ask Sr. Thecla’s intercession to grant them this special grace to have a child. Miraculously after a few months, my sister discovered that she was pregnant. After a few years, the child that was the fruitfulness of their prayer, is now 22 years old. This happened when i was still undergoing my novitiate formation. Now as we celebrate Sr. Thecla’s 50th anniversary, my heart rejoices and I ask God so that Sr. Thecla will be recognized as a holy person by the church and may she be beatified soon. Sr. Alice Candido

Sr. Alice Candido

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