Messages et demandes de grâces

à la vénérable Tecla Merlo

Prière pour demander des grâces

Ô Très Sainte Trinité, je te rends graces
pour les dons remarquables de lumière,
de grâce et de force que tu as accordés
à la Vénérable sr Tecla Merlo, et pour
l’avoir élue et avoir fait d’elle une mère sage
et un guide sûr des Filles de Saint-Paul.

Par son intercession, accorde-moi
d’aimer tout ce qu’elle a aimé
jusqu’au sacrifice le plus complet :
Jésus Maître, l’Eucharistie, l’Église,
l’Évangile annoncé à tous les peuples
par les instruments de la communication sociale.

Ô Seigneur, si tel est le dessein
de ta divine sagesse, exalte cette Servante fidèle,
pour la joie de ton Église et
pour le bien de l’humanité.
Accordemoi ce que je te demande
par son intercession…


Notre Père – Je vous salue, Marie – Gloire au Père.

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Thank you Mother Tecla!

I want to share with you a huge reason to rejoice! We have been praying for several years, through the intercession of Prima Maestra Thecla, for my sister Gloria. She was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease juvenile dermatomyositis about six years ago (she is ten years old now). Through Mother Thecla’s intercession, she was diagnosed quickly and made a good recovery. She did go into remission about two years ago, but had a relapse soon after. However, at Gloria’s latest doctor appointment, her specialist pronounced her completely cured. My family is floored and so grateful. My mom specifically asked me to tell all the Sisters so that we can all thank Mother Thecla together. So, Magnificat! Thank you for your prayers, and thank you, Mother Thecla! In Jesus…

Sr. Emily Beata

Thanks for the gift of my son

I would like to thank Mother Thecla for the gift of my son ‘Shaun.’ We had been praying for a long time for a child. When my sis-in-law (Sr Michelle fsp) came home, she had given me the prayer to Mother Thecla and requested me to pray it everyday for the gift of a child. I am grateful to her and the intercession St Lawrence for the gift of my son.

Mrs Flavia Mathias

To receive a relic

I am Nigel from a India. I would like to receive a second degree relic in theca ( not in prayer card)of sr Thecla. as I am a devotee of her I would be blessed and grateful to yoy to receive one. kindly send the relic to the following address. Nigel Miranda miranda house 10th Thokur post via Haleangadi Mangalore 574156 Karnataka state India thank you all the best for your mission.

Nigel Miranda

To receive a relic

I am Nigel from a India. I would like to receive a second degree relic in theca ( not in prayer card)of sr Thecla. as I am a devotee of her I would be blessed and grateful to yoy to receive one. kindly send the relic to the following address. Nigel Miranda miranda house 10th Thokur post via Haleangadi Mangalore 574156 Karnataka state India thank you all the best for your mission.

Nigel Miranda

Thanks for the gift of my son

I would like to thank Mother Thecla for the gift of my son ‘Shaun.’ We had been praying for a long time for a child. When my sis-in-law (Sr Michelle fsp) came home, she had given me the prayer to Mother Thecla and requested me to pray it everyday for the gift of a child. I am grateful to her and the intercession St Lawrence for the gift of my son.

Mrs Flavia Mathias

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