Mensajes y peticiones de gracia

a la Venerable Tecla Merlo

Oración para la petición de gracias

Santísima Trinidad te agradezco
por los dones singulares de luz,
de gracia y de virtud concedidas
a la Venerable sor Tecla Merlo,
y por haberla elegido y constituida
madre sapiente y guía segura
de las Hijas de San Pablo.

Por su intercesión, concédeme
vivir de sus grandes amores:
Jesús Maestro, Eucaristía, la Iglesia,
el Evangelio anunciado a todos los pueblos
con los instrumentos de la comunicación social,
hasta el completo sacrificio.

Oh Señor, si está en los designios
de tu divina sabiduría, exalta a esta Sierva fiel,
para alegría de la Iglesia, para el bien
de la humanidad y concédeme,
por su intercesión, cuanto te pido…


Padre nuestro - Ave Maria - Gloria al Padre.

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Grazie Maestra Tecla per l’aiuto che sempre dai alla mia famiglia. Ti prego ancora per Francesco, per Eleonora, per Giulia,Giorgia. Tu conosci i bisogni della loro salute e della loro crescita nella fede. Sii loro vicina e intercedi preso il Signore. GRAZIE.


Chrismar P. Mantele #643 Burol Main Dasmarinas, 4114 Cavite, Philippine Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ, I am Chrismar Mantele, asking to have two of the 2nd class relic of for my devotion and veneration to her Ven. Tecla Merlo. I gladly to have that wonderful gift from God to strengthen my Faith and love for Christ Thank You. You’re Brother in Christ, Chrismar Mantele.

Chrismar P. Mantele

Relic Request

To the Postulator, We know how saints do really intercede for us here in the Militant Church. We know how God works wonders through their prayers and how their lives become good examples for us who are still living in this material world. The Church has been preserving their holy and sacred remains for centuries and in this regard I would like to heartily ask again for an authenticated second class relic of Ven.Tecla Merlo . I do hope and pray that you will grant this request of mine. In Christ Jesus, Bro. Benedict J. Canapi 1953-G G.Tuazon St.Sampaloc, Metro Manila Philippines 1008

Benedict Canapi

Requesting for a Relic

To whom this may concern, In humble supplication, may I wish to have a Second Class relic of Vn. Thecla. The said relic shall be put in the rectory for private devotion and veneration. This relic (in card) shall be put in a frame and shall also be available for the visiting of the sick parishioners (especially when requested since she is not yet declared as Canonized Saint). Lastly, I would like to express my deep sentiment of grace and prayer to the postulator and initiator for her canonization. Br. Joenel B. Buencibello, St. Francis of Assisi & Sta. Quiteria Parish Tullahan Road, Baesa, Caloocan City 1401 Metro Manila, Philippines

Joenel B. Buencibello

Requests for Relics for Ven. Thecla Merlo

Dear Postulator, Iam Lorenzo Silva 11 yrs. Old a altar boy at a parish in batangas. I am writing because I would like to request you for a piece or two of a 2nd class relic of Thecla Merlo in a theca for my personal devotion. I do hope and pray that you would grant my humble request. Should my request earn your favor.

Lorenzo Silva

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