Messages & requests for graces

to venerable Tecla Merlo

Prayer To Request Graces

Most Holy Trinity, thank you
for the gifts of light, grace and virtue
granted to Venerable Sr. Thecla Merlo,
and for having chosen and made her
the wise mother and reliable guide
of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Through her intercession, grant
that I may live of her great loves:
Jesus Master, the Eucharist, the Church,
and the Gospel proclaimed to all people
with the instruments of social communication,
to the point of complete sacrifice.

Lord, if it is your divine will,
exalt this faithful Servant to the joy
of the Church and the good of humanity,
and grant me, through her intercession,
the favor I ask of you.


Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory to the Father

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Objectif reussi grace de son aide avec la priere dans 9 jours au nom de Soeur Tecla Merlo, j`ai accomplie notre Mariage dans une periode inattendue pendant que nous etions en difficultes financierement mais quand je faisais la priere de son nom dans 9jrs et apres 15jours seulement un homme m`aide pour aboutir notre mariage donc notre mariage a ete realise le 10 decembre 2011 La GLoire est a Dieu eternellement amen

Andriantiana Soloniaina Jimmy


Bonjour! j`envois cette lettre pour remerciemment d`une grace que j`ai eu l`annee(10-12-11) derniere avec la priere ao nom de Soeur Tecla Merlo, j`ai obtenu la faveur avec son Nom c`est a dire le mariage.Merci beaucoup pour ton aide La gloire pour notre Dieu au Nom de Jesus Christ amen

Andriantiana Soloniaina Jimmy


Padre nostro che sei nei ciel Padre nostro che sei nei ciel Padre nostro che sei nei cielPadre nostro che sei nei cielPadre nostro che sei nei cielPadre nostro che sei nei cielvPadre nostro che sei nei cielPadre nostro che sei nei cielPadre nostro che sei nei ciel


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