Messages & requests for graces

to venerable Tecla Merlo

Prayer To Request Graces

Most Holy Trinity, thank you
for the gifts of light, grace and virtue
granted to Venerable Sr. Thecla Merlo,
and for having chosen and made her
the wise mother and reliable guide
of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Through her intercession, grant
that I may live of her great loves:
Jesus Master, the Eucharist, the Church,
and the Gospel proclaimed to all people
with the instruments of social communication,
to the point of complete sacrifice.

Lord, if it is your divine will,
exalt this faithful Servant to the joy
of the Church and the good of humanity,
and grant me, through her intercession,
the favor I ask of you.


Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory to the Father

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Maestra Tecla, per il bene che mi hai voluto; per il bene che ci vuoi, per la promessa tua e del Primo Maestro di intercedere per noi presso Dio Padre, ti affido il cammino che stiamo facendo per cio’ che riguarda la nostra missione qui in Francia – ti prego anche per il fratello e sorella di Angela. Amen



Sono infinitamente riconoscente a Maestra Tecla per la sua presenza, protezione e intercessione in ogni necessità della Congregazione. Lei continua ad essere la Madre della Congregazione. Sento vicina la sua presenza e il suo aiuto. A lei affido le vocazioni, le giovani in formazione, le sorelle impegnate nei diversi ambiti della vita e della missione. Affido le sorelle ammalate. Sono certe che ad ognuna otterrà da Dio le grazie di cui ha bisogno, in particolare la fedeltà e la santità. M. Antonieta Bruscato

Maria Antonieta Bruscato

Thank you, Prima Maestra

We just celebrated Mass in the Basilica of the Queen of the Apostles here in Rome in honor of Maestra Tecla. It was touching to see so many members of the Pauline Family present during the celebration. The Daughters of St. Paul in Rome and nearby districts came in groups. The FSP juniors in Torvaianica who are preparing themselves for perpetual profession all came. The main celebrant, Fr. Josè Antonio Perez, Postulator General for the Pauline Family gave a very meaningful and inspiring homily, highlighting two great virtues of Maestra Tecla: faith and humility. To Prima Maestra we continue to entrust the needs of humanity, the fruitfulness of the Pauline mission, vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and the sincere effort of each one to live always in the grace of God.

Ino Tormon


vocations, la mission à Marseille, Santé des soeurs.Collaboration avec les laics.

Filles de Saint Paul Marseille


vocations, la mission à Marseille, Santé des soeurs.Collaboration avec les laics.

Filles de Saint Paul Marseille

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